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Yogi Govt signs MoU with Mexico for investment

by admin on | 2023-08-08 08:34:30

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Yogi Govt signs MoU with Mexico for investment

Lucknow : The Yogi Government and Mexican state Nuevo Leon signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Saturday for investments in tourism, infrastructure & pharma and medical sectors in Uttar Pradesh. The MoU was signed in the presence of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Nuevo Leon's Governor Samuel Garcia Cefalveda. 

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath while welcoming the Governor of Mexico and the delegation accompanying him said that strong industrial relations are being established today between UP and Nuevo Leon based on friendship, trust and harmony with the signing of the agreement. Uttar Pradesh is the leading state in the country in terms of ease of doing business, the Chief Minister added.

Uttar Pradesh the best destination for investment

The Chief Minister noted that it was very important for Uttar Pradesh that the Governor of Nuevo Leon along with his team, was exploring the possibilities of industrial investment in the state. He pointed out that Uttar Pradesh has also become the best investment destination in the world under the guidance of the Prime Minister. 

“Both UP and Nuevo León are dedicated to development and we are committed to carrying forward this tradition. Uttar Pradesh is a prosperous state in every respect. UP represents Indian culture. Uttar Pradesh is a very important place not only for agriculture but also for the tourism sector. The state boasts a modern infrastructure, a network of expressways, excellent interstate connectivity, air connectivity, rail network, access to eastern port through inland water way and a dedicated freight corridor junction. Today UP has become the hub of logistics and transport. Apart from this, we have brought 25 sectoral policies to attract industrial investment. Today, investors are being given excellent facilities for investment in Uttar Pradesh”, CM Yogi stated. 

Nuevo Leon Governor Garcia Cefalveda said: “It is a matter of good fortune for me that I am establishing mutual business relations by meeting Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and members of his cabinet. We look forward to working together in various fields. Uttar Pradesh and Nuevo León are very close to each other. Our state is an industrial region of Mexico and in the same way investments are being made on a large scale in India's Uttar Pradesh today. I assure you that India and Mexico are not far from each despite the distance of 14,000 kilometers between the two countries. Just like Uttar Pradesh has a zero tolerance policy against crime, similarly in our state of Nuevo León we have been able to maintain the rule of law. We invite Team UP to Nuevo León. We both have to increase trade with each other through mutual cooperation. I am sure that with today's MoU, both of us will move forward on the path of development and progress.”

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