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Zero Tolerance Maximum Accountability New Conviction Records under Yogi Government

by admin on | 2023-05-21 17:06:01

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Zero Tolerance Maximum Accountability New Conviction Records under Yogi Government

Under Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath zero tolerance policy against crime, the state government of Uttar Pradesh has successfully punished approximately 30,000 criminals in the last three years, setting a remarkable record. The Directorate of Prosecution revealed that the highest number of punishments were given under the Arms Act, with other significant convictions in cases of rape, murder, crimes against women and children, dowry deaths, and more. The increase in convictions has been attributed to effective court lobbying and strong witness testimonies. The Directorate of Prosecution has received multiple honors and awards for their exceptional performance in swiftly delivering justice and for their efficient use of e-office and e-prosecution portals.

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