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Yogi Vision Unleashes Progress and Safety for All in Uttar Pradesh

by admin on | 2023-05-21 17:28:08

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Yogi Vision Unleashes Progress and Safety for All in Uttar Pradesh

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath addressed a public meeting in Jaunpur, expressing his belief that Uttar Pradesh is progressing in the right direction. He highlighted the positive changes in the state and emphasized the youth access to technology, stating that they now have tablets in their hands instead of firearms. The Chief Minister mentioned that Uttar Pradesh cities have transformed into smart cities and are recognized as safe places, free from the fear of miscreants. He praised the development initiatives in the state and assured the crowd that the government is committed to restoring Jaunpur lost identity. CM Yogi also discussed the government efforts to support traders and improve the law and order situation, claiming that the era of mafia rule has ended and the common man is safe. He concluded by listing various welfare programs and development projects undertaken by the government, demonstrating its commitment to the well-being of the people of Uttar Pradesh.

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