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Industrial Renaissance: UPSIDA Announces Upgrade to Infrastructure

by admin on | 2023-04-29 11:04:10

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Industrial Renaissance: UPSIDA Announces Upgrade to Infrastructure

UPSIDA, the apex body responsible for the development of industrial areas in Uttar Pradesh, is set to embark on an ambitious plan to upgrade its aging industrial infrastructure. The proposed expenditure, which is the largest in the history of UPSIDA, is a significant move in line with the vision of the chief minister Yogi Adityanath to make Uttar Pradesh the growth engine of the country.
The Western region of Uttar Pradesh will receive the lion's share of the investment, with a whopping ₹206.57 crore earmarked for upgrading the infrastructure. The Central region follows closely behind, with an allocation of ₹152.29 crore. Meanwhile, the Eastern region and Bundelkhand areas will see infrastructure upgrades worth ₹74.46 crore and ₹22.96 crore, respectively.

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